My Farm Visit in India

My Farm Visit in India

By  Aryan S.

One fine evening on the last week of our 1 month trip to India…

 Me, my brother, my parents, and my grandparents, all went on a long drive, from mumbai to the village of Keshegaon. My grandpa was born here. We tried to drive our car closer to the farm, but our wheels kept getting stuck in ditches and bumps. So we decided to leave our car there and walk the rest of the way.

  Soon, in front of the farm, my uncle ( who I call Dutta Mama )and my grandpa’s brothers were waiting there. When we got close to them, we greeted each other. The rest of the family was at the farm.

  When they led us to the farm, we walked past Neem trees and a variety of plants. I also encountered a new fruit, it was a small, but very healthy type of pear, I was astonished! When we got closer, we started to see a lot of cow food and a lot of picked onions.We were getting closer to our farming ground.

  Soon, we got there and greeted our family. I saw my cousins for the first time. But immediately after greeting everybody I noticed 2 healthy bulls, a pretty cow, and a 

cute calf. I called my brother Vihaan to come look. I instantly fell in love with the calf like it was my little brother, I picked up 

the hay, and fed it to the calf. The calf happily kept munching on  the hay. Dutta Mama suggested that we go to the temple. 

  We started to  walk to the temple. After a minute, I asked Dutta Mama where the temple was. He said that it was behind a bunch of sugarcanes. As we walked, our lungs inhaled refreshing farm air.

  After some time, we reached a tunnel of sugar cane, we were surrounded with sugarcane as tall as bamboo. As we entered a small path between the tall sugarcane, we started to see a small, nicely decorated temple. 

Next to the temple, there was a tall, old mango tree. It was big even when my mom was little!!! The reason that they had a temple is because it was considered to be the guardian of all the plants. It gave you good luck in farming.

  As we exited the tunnel, Dutta Mama took a sugarcane off the ground, snapped it  into sixths, and gave me small pieces of sugarcane to chew on, it was unbelievably sweet! Before we ate, the family chit-chatted to catch up on some things  for some time, but I didn’t mind because I was busy munching on sugarcane!

  When we sat down to eat, everyone’s mouth was watering. Everybody loves fresh organic farm food! Especially when there are no artificial growth chemicals applied.We ate “Gargatta”, an Indian curry made mostly of  green veggies. We ate vigorously and had our fill for the rest of the day. I finished a little early, so I went back to watch the cows. Minutes later, Dutta Mama came and released the calf so that it could have it’s fill of milk. I called Vihaan to come and watch the cow getting milked. We got scared whenever the calf rams into the cow for more milk. Soon, my uncle started to milk the cow, he milked it so that the milk all went in a special pot. After the milking, the pot was bubbling with fresh, clean white milk. My dad took a video of the process, now I always watch that video when I have time. 

After everyone was done eating, 

I had to say goodbye to the bulls, the cow, and the calf. I petted the calf, who was in the shelter so it doesn’t get scared in the night.

 I also petted the cow, I was going to pet the bull, but my dad told me told me that it was untamed and that it might attack me.

  After everybody was done eating, we walked back the path, on the way, my grandpa spotted  a snake! Everyone picked up their pace, so that the snake would not come for them. We all went in our car and drove to their house. Their house was a village house that is completely made of carved stone.

 Over there we spotted a cat in the house! It went outside and stayed there for a while. But suddenly, the cat pounced in the house, and scurried under one of the cupboards. My mom screamed ouch! We looked for it, but we didn’t get lucky. I guess it smelled the fresh milk that we got from the farm. I drank the fresh cow milk that Dutta Mama brought from the cow, it was a creamy, white fresh color. I drank it while it was hot and felt so relaxed and was really very tasty. 

Sadly, it was time to say goodbye and head for our next destination – Mumbai!

While it was the end of a really exciting and fun-filled trip, I asked my parents to bring me back to the farm on  my next visit to India and they willingly nodded their heads. I really hope that we go back to that farm soon! I bid good-bye to all my uncles and cousins and promised to meet them soon.

I gathered all my memories of the farm visit and continued our trip in India!!!